Unpublished trial court OPRA opinion.

"Unpublished opinions" are not published in the law books and are not ordinarily written about in legal periodicals. Unless somebody puts them on-line and calls attention to them, they are likely not to be located by people who may want to search for them. I think that it's important that court opinions, even if they are not precedential, are easily accessible for future use.

John Paff v. Bergen County, et al.
Bergen County, Docket No. BER-L-7739-14
Hon. Peter E. Doyne, A.J.S.C.
October 16, 2014
Click here for the court's decision.
Click here for file complaint, brief and exhibits.
Click here for Order awarding Plaintiff attorney fees and costs.

Summary: List of Internal Affairs Complaints against corrections officers who work in the Bergen County Jail is subject to disclosure under OPRA.  “Attorney General Guidelines” are not a recognized exception to OPRA’s general requirement favoring disclosure of government records.